Michael Jackson Confidential Exclusiv Private Restricted Confidencialvery Rare

Michael Jackson Confidential Exclusiv Private Restricted Confidencialvery Rare
Michael Jackson Confidential Exclusiv Private Restricted Confidencialvery Rare

Michael Jackson Confidential Exclusiv Private Restricted Confidencialvery Rare

The photo is special to collectors and experts in actors, musiciens, performers, social life and fashion. The photo does not appeal to ideeolgies or politics, only discloses the social life history. ANGELI, FRANCE, REP N 37772. The item may take between 11 and 23 days to arrive at the destination outside of Europe. In the market of new and used items may exist similar articles for sale, with different prices of this offer.

The information for this article / item was taken by me honestly, to the best of my knowledge. There may be omissions or errors involuntarily or due to lack of my knowledge. If this happens, it is not intended to deceive customers or to promote the sale.

The guarantee is expressly excluded and removed. This information has nothing to do with the state of condition and quality of the item.

Michael Jackson Confidential Exclusiv Private Restricted Confidencialvery Rare